Report cards always sound so scary, and yet most of us do better when we know “the score”. So let’s help you figure out what your score is in terms of health.
Yikes . . .
No one else gets to see your score and you are the only judge of what is a “passing” score or not. Seriously. What if the whole point was just to figure out where you are at now in this moment? Because if you are just fine with the way things are, then no problem and no need to do anything further. Really.
7 Core Areas
How well would you score yourself on a satisfaction scale like this one from the University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine (see attached PDF)? Even if you have trouble putting a number on it, just take a stab at an approximate range - make a guess.
There’s no way to get this wrong. Only your opinion even matters. At all. And you can always change your mind later. This is just a baseline anyway. A place to start. I’d encourage you to grab a pen and paper, and jot down your answers as you go, as well as whatever ideas come to mind.
The most consistently underrated yet foundational cornerstones to the rest of our health. The quality and quantity of our sleep impacts all other aspects of our lives, from our energy levels and ability to focus, to our immune systems and mental health.
Exercise is critically important to our physical and mental wellbeing. How we move our bodies and whether we move a little or a lot, is relatively unimportant. Studies have repeatedly shown improved health outcomes across virtually all measures just from getting the all the muscles and joints moving regularly.
Often a confusing topic these days with powerful marketing messages and conflicting research findings. Starting with basics like whole foods, and relearning how to listen to your body and its signals can be crucial to developing a healthier relationship with food for the long term. [Score your satisfaction from 0 to 10 ___]
“Taking stock periodically of our beliefs and values, and how we choose to show up in the world, is the first step to aligning our health with our daily self care practices.”
They affect our health in myriad ways, whether work or family. Humans are social animals and thus relationships can potentially have an impact on how we eat, sleep, exercise, or feel from day to day. Relationships can be sources of support or stress, so they deserve careful attention in a comprehensive, proactive approach to health.
Also known as your ability to handle stress. Are you beginning to see where these core areas overlap with each other? After all, you may feel better equipped to deal with a tough day at work when you have slept well and had relaxing weekend with your family. It’s all about being intentional in fostering healthy coping skills and relaxation practices.
We all function better when we have purpose and meaning in our lives. Taking stock periodically of our beliefs and values, and how we choose to show up in the world, is the first step to aligning our health with our daily practices. What do we want to do, how do we choose to be, and how can we best take care of this precious body in the time we have been granted.
What comes to mind first for you? There is no wrong answer. Some choose to focus on homes and workplaces, while others think more globally about threats to our planet. What feels out of balance for you or is compelling you to act? Or are you quite satisfied with this domain?
What’s the score?
Any surprises as to what you are seeing or do things look pretty much as expected? Sometimes our brains can be sneaky and make us think we can’t do anything right. But then when we take a moment to pause and reflect, we realize that maybe things are actually okay. For example, maybe you aren’t exercising as much as you are
“supposed to” (whatever that means), but you are okay with that so you gave yourself a 7/10. Or maybe you gave yourself a 4/10, but you don’t actually care about that right now - you’d much rather focus on sleep. Whatever you decide, it’s all good.
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Do more work on your own with My Wellness Coach, a free phone app by the University of Arizona.