Brain Health Check
JUMP To Your Results

Presented by Dr Em Wong
Founder & CEO Brain Health School
I see you, and I'm right here with you, on this journey to better brain health.
You can definitely do this. Learn the science behind what matters most, build your neuroplasticity through mindset dexterity, and cultivate the kind of energy that keeps you in flow.
Understand Your Score
Congratulations! You've totally already beaten the odds.
By being here. By being curious about your brain health.
You need to know that the Brain Health Index Quiz is not a test you can pass or fail, nor is your Score fixed.
It's important to meet ourselves where we are, and to acknowledge that it takes courage to face up to our fears. I know, because I was exactly where you are just a couple of years ago, when I became aware of how scared I was of getting dementia.
Before that, I had been in Stage 0 : Denial. Which meant that I could ignore that fear 99% of the time, and then I'd get randomly triggered to have a panic attack, melting down into a hot mess in seconds when I forgot something. Like the time that I lost my passport while traveling in Cambodia - I was sure that I had Alzheimer’s disease.
Since then, I've learned that it's okay to be scared of dementia. The reality is that everyone is secretly scared, too. Dementia is probably the #1
health worry out there. The only reason it's listed #2 after Cancer fear is because we're too scared to admit it to ourselves. No-one talks about it, but the fear is out there and it's real.
Because you were brave enough to take the Quiz, I know that you have made it past Stage 0 : Denial. And that means you are looking to learn more about prioritizing your brain health.
Read More on Brain Health
Boost your brain performance and protect against dementia. Check out iHealMag for more information.

Stage 4: Intrepid Explorer
Score 85-100
Welcome to Stage 4 in your journey to optimal brain health. You're an Intrepid Explorer.
You are intentional about prioritizing health and wellness, with relatively few major risk factors for brain disease. Your interest in brain health leads you to explore new frontiers in neuroscience as they emerge, discerning what will serve you and your family while maintaining a healthy skepticism.
You worry about brain health because you know how important it is to your own and your family's future. You feel like you are already doing “everything right,” and you are always open to exploring more. But it's hard to know what more to do.
Your main challenge at Stage 4 is aligning with purpose
Because you were wise enough to take the Quiz, I know that you are intrepid and willing to be explorative in figuring out your customized blueprint for peak brain health.
Stage 3: Curious Creative
Score 65-84
Welcome to Stage 3 of your journey to better brain health. You're a Curious Creative.
You're already very healthy overall and take good care of yourself. You may have a few targeted areas of concern or risk factors for brain disease, but you aren’t sure what's best to focus on. You're interested in learning more and are willing to take action where necessary to improve your odds for brain health, but it’s hard to sort through the deluge of information out there.
You're worried about brain health because you know how important it is to your own and your family's future. You want to be sure that you are doing the right things that will make a positive impact over the long term.
Your main challenge at Stage 3 is reading and trusting your body's signals
Because you were smart enough to take the Quiz, I know that you are curious and willing to be creative in your approach to optimizing your brain health.
Stage 2: Opportunity Seeker
Score 45-64
Welcome to Stage 2 of your journey to better brain health. You're an Opportunity Seeker.
You care deeply about your own and your family's health. And you are always looking for smarter ways to stay healthy, while still following through on all your work and other commitments. You are aware that you have a tendency to prioritize others and to put self care on the back burner when things get busy - which is pretty much all the time.
You are worried about brain health because you know how important it is to your own future and you definitely don’t want to be a burden to your family. You know that you need to take care of yourself better, but there just aren't enough hours in the day.
Your main challenge at Stage 2 is prioritizing self care (aka brain care)
Because you were resourceful enough to take the Quiz, I know that you are actively seeking opportunities to leverage your time and energy, so that you can figure out how to prioritize your brain health.
Stage 1: Freedom Fighter
Score 0-44
Welcome to Stage 1 of your journey to better brain health. You're a Freedom Fighter.
This usually means that you haven't been all that happy about your brain function and stress levels for a while. But it seems like one thing or another keeps getting in the way of being able to work on healthier habits.
You worry about health and you know how important it is to your future. You definitely don’t want to ever be a burden to your family. And you know that avoiding and procrastinating are not the answer, so you are determined to beat the odds.
Your main challenge at Stage 1 is taking tiny targeted action
Because you were brave enough to take the Quiz, I know that you are fighting for freedom from the stress and pressures that keep you struggling to prioritize your brain health.